Names: Caroline Poiner & Daisy Burgess 

Year founded: 2014

Where did the name Cloth & Co. come from?:

The name Cloth & Co. was chosen to reflect both the essence of our brand and our values. "Cloth" is what we truly value in our garments, and represents the natural fibres and craftsmanship at the heart of what we do. "Co." goes beyond the traditional meaning of "Company"—for us, it stands for Co-llaboration, highlighting our partnerships with artisans and communities; Co-mmunity, reflecting the network of people who share our values; and Common Objective, emphasising our shared commitment to sustainability, ethical practices, and creating a positive impact through fashion.

What inspired you to create your label?:  

The inspiration behind Cloth & Co. stemmed from a deep commitment to creating a brand that not only values sustainability and craftsmanship but also serves as a lifeline for the women in our stitching unit. Many of these women come from vulnerable backgrounds, and we wanted to offer them more than just employment. By providing fair wages, education, and support, we are helping them gain financial independence and stability, which is critical in preventing them from falling back into the grips of human trafficking, domestic violence, or abusive family relationships. Empowering these women to take control of their lives and futures is a core part of our mission and a driving force behind the creation of Cloth & Co.

Where do you source inspiration?:

We source our inspiration from lived experiences, muses from different era’s and timeless design, and, most importantly, our community. Understated looks that are ageless and can be worn to suit the individual’s style is key to our design process. We continually engage with our customers to understand what they seek in their foundational wardrobe pieces—whether it's versatility, comfort, or sustainability. Wearability is at the heart of everything we create, ensuring our pieces are not only classic with a contemporary edge, but functional and adaptable to everyday life. By listening to the needs and values of our community, we craft collections that resonate with their desire for high-quality, long-lasting garments that make a positive impact on both their lives and the world around them. 

We love a mother and daughter duo; what's it like working together?:

Working as a mother/daughter duo is incredibly rewarding and we feel really grateful to have this opportunity. There’s a deep sense of trust and shared vision that comes from knowing each other so well. We each bring our unique strengths to the table—Caroline has years of experience working in India and has close relationships with our team over there, while Daisy brings  fresh perspectives and a drive to innovate. Together, we create a balance that fuels our creativity and decision-making. Lifestyle is also a major consideration in how we’ve shaped our business. Balancing motherhood and Caroline's role as a grandmother has given us a strong sense of purpose and the flexibility to shape our business around family values. It’s not always easy, but it’s incredibly rewarding to create something meaningful together.

Describe your studio space?: 

Our Studio is a hive of activity where the three of us work together, our Sales Manager, Lily works remotely in Tassie so we spend a lot of time with her on Zoom. All of our fabric swatches, examples of fabrics with different artisan techniques, an archive of all of our past seasons samples and our creative space are in one big room with a creche in the corner for Aurelio who is now 3 months old! 

Favourite travel location?: 

If we think of somewhere not too far afield, it would be our family farm just outside Goulburn where we spend time with our extended family with all the cousins which doesn’t get any better. 

India obviously stole our hearts many years ago and is so diverse in culture, history and natural wonders it will take a lifetime to see it all, but it is always the people that make a place. As we’re at different stages in our lives, our favourite places to travel differ but we both love culturally rich places where delicious food, incredible history and the people and culture are diverse and interesting. 

Local cafe spot?: 
A hidden favourite in Mona Vale is BARE wholefoods… great coffee and really delicious organic whole foods!! It’s actually more about the people, we love going where they know you by name and how you like your coffee. 

Biggest fashion splurge?: 

My boots that I spent a lot of money on years ago on a trip to Melbourne and I still love them, at least 15 years later. They’ve been re-soled at least 3 times and I wear them every winter so I would consider them a good investment!

For Daisy, a gorgeous winter coat bought on a trip to NYC which was a big splurge but a classic that will last a lifetime!

Something you've read or listened to lately?: 

I’m (Caroline) reading City Of Djinns by William Dalrymple for the second time. It was one of the first books of Dalrymple’s that I read before visiting Delhi and it’s really interesting to read it again after spending so many years travelling back there. Just finished The Weekend by Charlotte Wood which I loved, an easy read that totally engages and is almost close to home for me in relation to age, friendships, love and loss.

Daisy: I'm an avid reader, it’s how I wind down after getting my two year old and 3 month old to sleep. I just started The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store by James McBride, a novel set in a small, diverse Pennsylvania town. Prior to this, I read The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese, which was about a South Indian family and their struggles with a genetic condition. The next book on my list is Dark Matter: The New Science of the Microbiome by James Kinross, which dives into the groundbreaking research on the microbiome and its impact on human health.

What's next for Cloth & Co.?: 

Our greatest priority is to continue providing meaningful employment for our women tailors, while at the same time navigating the complexities of sustainability—balancing small production volumes, minimising waste, and staying competitive in an unpredictable market.

Looking ahead, our focus remains on staying true to our core values. We're committed to constantly improving our practices and finding new ways to connect with like-minded individuals. For us, the future is about building a strong, values-driven community based on the principles of responsible and regenerative fashion—one that has a real, lasting impact on both people and the planet.

Discover more from Caroline & Daisy at @clothanco 

Or, click to shop some of our favourite pieces from Cloth & Co from Mayfield now.